Talk of the Town

Talk of the Town

বিষয়:Chick Lit,Romance
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Talk of the Town

byKaren Hawkins

Do Blondes Have More Fun? Newly divorced Roxie Treymayne is dying to find out. After years of being the perfect Southern lady, all she ended up with was a cheating husband. So she goes bombshell blond, gets a provocatively placed tattoo, and prepares to live it up as a Bad Girl. But then her mother falls ill...and Roxie is forced to return to Glory, North Carolina. He'd Love to Know. Once the town bad boy, Nick Sheppard is now Glory's highly respected sheriff. When the hot blonde he stops for speeding turns out to be formerly prim Homecoming Queen Roxanne Treymayne, Nick doesn't quite know where to look -- though he'd like a much closer one at the tattoo peeking from her shorts. But It Takes Two to Tango. Roxie and Nick had a steamy fling in high school, but a love affair between a Southern princess and a boy from the wrong side of the tracks was doomed from the start. Now they have a second chance. Can they get it right? Or will they just end up...the talk of the town?

লেখক:Karen Hawkins
প্রকাশনী:Pocket Books
বিষয়:Chick Lit,Romance
পৃষ্ঠা সংখ্যা:414