Love And Murder

Love And Murder

Original print

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Love And Murder

byFrancine Pascal

When Lila Fowler meets mysterious, sexy Damon Price, the connection is too intense for words. Lila instantly feels as if she's known him for ages. But despite their deep romantic bond, Lila knows nothing about Damon's past. Then the nightmares begin. Nightmares from another era in which she becomes Flora Grey, the wife of Theodore, an abusive man who looks exactly like Damon. Lila soon discovers that the Greys really existed, and that Flora was murdered by her husband. Could Flora's tragic history be repeating itself?Show more

লেখক:Francine Pascal
বিষয়:Childrens,Chick Lit,Young Adult,Romance
পৃষ্ঠা সংখ্যা:283