The First Man

The First Man

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The First Man

byAlbert Camus

The unfinished manuscript of The First Man was discovered in the wreckage of a car accident in which Camus died in 1960. Although it was not published for over thirty years, it was an instant bestseller when it finally appeared in 1994. The 'first man' is Jacques Cormery, whose poverty-stricken childhood in Algiers is made bearable by his love for his silent and illiterate mother, and by the teacher who transforms his view of the world. The most autobiographical of Camus's novels, it gives profound insights into his life, and the powerful themes underlying his work.Show more

লেখক:Albert Camus
বিষয়:France,French Literature,Philosophy,Classics,Fiction,Literature,Novels
পৃষ্ঠা সংখ্যা:359